Lama Mark Webber brings over forty years of study, practice and teaching, helping to understand both the cause of suffering states and their cessation — a path of freedom, compassion and innate happiness. Always classically grounded in Buddhism and science, using diverse methods, often with humour, he illuminates the most essential points of all Buddhist teachings and meditations. No matter what kind of state, positive or negative: confused, emotionally upset, anxious or happy, dull, joyous, sick or angry, the very basis of all of our experience is unobstructed, luminous and pervaded with great love. The meditations that will be introduced will reveal our mind to be naturally free of all artifice, the ground of all of our experience, called Buddha-nature, Dzogchen, Mahamudra, etc. It is an all pervasive compassionate awakeness, known as bodhicitta. The teachings and meditations introduced will help reveal this essential innate mind.
Sustainable happiness and deep compassion will not be found in chasing and grasping after outer objects, people, places and things. So too, no matter how fascinating, intelligent our thoughts and ideas are they mask the pervasive continuum of awake mind. Naturally at ease in our own skin, vividly awake, abiding in our mind’s basis — inclusive all of experience — is the meditation. Whether day or night, daily life, retreat or no-retreat, bringing bodhicitta, the mind of enlightenment, to all we do, feel, think and sense for the awakening of all.
Lama Mark builds confidence in bodhicitta, opening up a love of Dharma, mentoring in developing a high level of capacity — strength — through listening, study, reflection and meditation to approach and become familiar with luminous awareness. Then comes the instructions to break-through to reveal this fundamental essence. It is like parting clouds with blazing sun and moon light. With enough capacity, we will know for sure that this natural pervasiveness is the meditation and conduct in every facet of life. This describes the heart of Lama Mark’s guidance and teachings.