Dzogchen — Great Love in Union with Emptiness

1555 MacDonald Ave., Burnaby, B.C. 1555 MacDonald Ave, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

This is first empowerment often given in the extensive cycle of meditations and contemplations of the Drikung Gonpo Yangzab Dzogchen tradition. It is a profound yoga taught by Padmasambhava and revealed by the 16th century saint Gyalwang Rinchen Phuntsok. It’s aim is to increase longevity so we can realize deathless primordial wisdom. Lama Mark will also give instructions for the Longevity practice and guidance to understand the reasons and methods for generation and completion phase meditations.

Attendance for the complete transmission is recommended.

Venerable Lho Ontul Rinpoche: Teachings in Toronto

Lama Mark Webber and the Namgyal Yangzab Buddhist Community Of Canada are delighted to announce that Venerable Lho Ontul Rinpoche has accepted their invitations  to teach in Toronto on September 1st-7th.   With visas now confirmed a detailed schedule of teaching will be posted shortly.

Teachings on the View, Meditation and Conduct

Bowen Island, BC, 2017 August 4-6, 2017

Dzogchen — Great Completion — has a training called Trekchö or “thoroughly cutting through’. Trekchö, is a form of natural and effortless Penetrative Insight. It requires a unification of wisdom and compassion and a profound understanding of the inseparability of the view, meditation and conduct as taught in the Dzogchen traditions. Lama Mark will be teaching from the text called the Three Statements that Strike the Vital Point, also called The Words of Garab Dorje, Patrül Rinpoche’s root text and auto-commentary, Lho Ontül Rinpoche’s recent teachings and meditation instructions and Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche’s teachings on this profound approach to full awakeness and compassion.

The Six Perfections— Great Love in Union with Emptiness

“Traditionally the Parami are literally the “completions” or “perfections” that we develop for carrying us across to full awakening or liberation. In order to go safely and do well on a long mountain trek we first train and we must have the appropriate good food to sustain our journey. So too, we need to strengthen our capacity to liberate us and all others through the profound study and practice of the Parami. These six Parami of—generosity, ethics, patience, energy, meditative concentration and wisdom—form the foundation and capacity for us to journey and explore along all Buddhist paths of Liberation.

Empowerment & Teachings on the Medicine Buddha: Revealing Primordial Wisdom and Health

Calle la Reforma #6, Jardines de Antigua Calle la Reforma #6, Jardines de Antigua, Antigua, Guatemala

The transmission of Medicine Buddha, formally known as King of Medicine Master and of Lapis Lazuli Light is a profound manifestation of primordial wisdom to cure the origin of suffer- ing states. The meditation practice is for both revealing our continuum of innate pure mind and the vast luminosity of compassion, and helping with serious health issues. Lama Mark received this transmission of Lama Karma Chagme (17th cent.) many times with teachings and retreats from the Ven. Karma Dorje Namgyal Rinpoche.

Confirmed: Ontül Rinpoche Visiting and Teaching in Canada

My very best wishes from the Gompa on Galiano Island. It is now officially confirmed that Drikung Lho Ontül Rinpoche will be teaching in Canada in September and October 2017. He is accompanied by his gifted son and translator Lho Karma Ratna Rinpoche.

Drikung Lho Ontül Rinpoche

Drikung Lho Ontül Rinpoche is an illustrious teacher, a great yogi and holds many Precious Transmissions.

He is accompanied by his gifted son and translator
Lho Karma Ratna Rinpoche.

We pray that many friends, dear students, Dharma practitioners and those new to the Teachings will be able to attend these most precious transmissions.

An Insight Retreat on the 12 Examples of Illusion ​with teachings from the Drikung Yangzab

The Dharma Centre of Canada 1886 Galway Rd., Kinmount, Ontario, Canada

A 5 week vipaśyanā (Insight) and anupassanā (contemplation) retreat focusing on the classic Twelve Examples of Illusion with teachings from the Drikung Yangzab. The Twelve examples of illusion are often used in completion stage meditations, such as found in the Drikung Yangzab Dzogchen practices and Six Dharmas of Naropa to help with our penetrative insight […]

Overcoming afflictive emotions and thoughts through Bodhicitta

Antigua, Guatemala The Antigua Dharma Community Overcoming Afflictive Emotions and Thoughts through Bodhicitta A weekend retreat With Lama Mark Webber Saturday & Sunday, January 13 & 14th, 2018 Classes: 9:30 am & 4:00 pm Lama Mark Webber will be giving teachings and instructions on the heart of Dharma practice: how to overcome afflictive emotions and […]

Tranquility and Dzogchen

Glentui Meadows, New Zealand 140 Glentui Bush Road, Ashley Gorge 7495, New Zealand

Lama Mark will teach various forms of tranquility meditation infused with love and compassion. This will help beginners and experienced practitioners alike, as a preparation to entering the view, meditation and conduct of Dzogchen.

Vast View – Great Love

Queenstown Dharma Centre 12 Lake Street, Queenstown, New Zealand

Lama Mark Webber brings over forty years of study, practice and teaching, helping to understand both the cause of suffering states and their cessation — a path of freedom, compassion and innate happiness. Always classically grounded in Buddhism and science, using diverse methods, often with humour, he illuminates the most essential points of all Buddhist teachings and meditations. No matter what kind of state, positive or negative: confused, emotionally upset, anxious or happy, dull, joyous, sick or angry, the very basis of all of our experience is unobstructed, luminous and pervaded with great love. The meditations that will be introduced will reveal our mind to be naturally free of all artifice, the ground of all of our experience, called Buddha-nature, Dzogchen, Mahamudra, etc. It is an all pervasive compassionate awakeness, known as bodhicitta. The teachings and meditations introduced will help reveal this essential innate mind.

Sustainable happiness and deep compassion will not be found in chasing and grasping after outer objects, people, places and things. So too, no matter how fascinating, intelligent our thoughts and ideas are they mask the pervasive continuum of awake mind. Naturally at ease in our own skin, vividly awake, abiding in our mind’s basis — inclusive all of experience — is the meditation. Whether day or night, daily life, retreat or no-retreat, bringing bodhicitta, the mind of enlightenment, to all we do, feel, think and sense for the awakening of all.

Lama Mark builds confidence in bodhicitta, opening up a love of Dharma, mentoring in developing a high level of capacity — strength — through listening, study, reflection and meditation to approach and become familiar with luminous awareness. Then comes the instructions to break-through to reveal this fundamental essence. It is like parting clouds with blazing sun and moon light. With enough capacity, we will know for sure that this natural pervasiveness is the meditation and conduct in every facet of life. This describes the heart of Lama Mark’s guidance and teachings.

Emptiness, Dzogchen and Tonglen

Christchurch Buddhist Centre 43 Harrow St, Phillipstown, Christchurch, New Zealand

Please join us for a rich weekend of teachings from Lama Mark Webber on the essential topics of understanding Emptiness, Dzogchen and Tonglen (Sending and Receiving). These teachings are open to all.

Overcoming Afflictive Emotions and Thoughts through Bodhicitta

Buller REAP Hall 13 Henley St , Westport, New Zealand

Lama Mark Webber will be giving teachings and instructions on the heart of Dharma and meditation practice: how to overcome afflictive emotions and thoughts through bodhicitta.

All About Bodhicitta

Nelson Buddhist Centre 87 Nile St (Opposite Central School), Nelson, New Zealand

An Invitation from the Nelson Buddhist Centre, 87 Nile St, Nelson  Dharma Teachings: All About Bodhicitta with Lama Mark Webber March 30 to April 1, 2018 Please join us for a rich weekend of teachings from Lama Mark Webber on the essential topics of understanding Bodhicitta, Emptiness and Tonglen (Sending and Receiving). These teachings are open to […]

Illusion and Great Love

Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre 355 Wangapeka River Rd, RD2, Wakefield, New Zealand

This year’s one month Dzogchen retreat with Lama Mark will be an in depth exploration of the unity of Great Love and the illusory nature of self and all experience.

The Four Noble Truths & The Four Foundations of Mindfulness

Palo-Santo, Boutique Hotel, Antigua, Guatemala 5 Avenida Sur, Antigua, Guatemala

We are pleased to announce that Lama Mark Webber will be giving teachings and meditation instructions on two essential and famous discourses in Buddha-dharma: The Four Noble Truths and The Four Foundations of Mindfulness. The teachings are valuable for those interested in understanding and practicing meditation, and advanced practitioners of the Dharma. Printed translations of these discourses will be available.

Meditations on the Vast Expanse

Villa Sumaya Santa Cruz la Laguna, Guatemala, Guatemala

Please join Lama Mark for a two week meditative exploration on great love and illusion. Held at Villa Sumaya in the tropical region of Lake Atitlán, the retreat is surrounded by three volcanos, open vast sky and magnificent water views.

Bodhicitta & Emptiness

1555 MacDonald Ave., Burnaby, B.C. 1555 MacDonald Ave, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

An Invitation from Crystal Mountain Society & the
Vancouver Namgyal Yangzab Community

Dharma Teachings: Bodhicitta & Emptiness - Lama Mark Webber (Lama Yongdu Gyaltsen)

Bodhicitta and the Illusory Nature of Self and Other

Crystal Mountain Society is very pleased to announce that for the 18th year Lama Mark Webber will be teaching, leading meditation and guiding practitioners at the Crystal Mountain Summer Retreat.

Bodhicitta & Emptiness & Empowerment of White Tara

Bethlehem Retreat Centre 2371 Arbot Road, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

Please join us for a rich weekend of teachings from Lama Mark Webber on the essential topics of understanding and meditating on Bodhicitta and Emptiness. These teachings are open to all.

Bodhicitta, Mindfulness, Chenresig & Phowa

1555 MacDonald Ave., Burnaby, B.C. 1555 MacDonald Ave, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

An Invitation from Crystal Mountain Society & The Vancouver Namgyal Yangzab Community Dharma Teachings:
Bodhicitta and Mindfulness & Empowerment of Chenresig & Consciousness Transference (Phowa)

The Practice and Experience of Luminous Emptiness

Dharma Centre of Canada 1886 Galway Rd, Kinmount, ONTARIO, Canada

We are pleased to announce that Lama Mark will be giving a two week Dzogchen Trekchö meditation and study retreat at the Dharma Centre of Canada.

A Profound Bodhicitta Transmission

Ottawa 36 Vanson Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

A Profound Bodhicitta Transmission: Overcoming all Obstacles with Lama Mark Webber in Ottawa — October 26, 27, 28, 2018 — Please join us for a rich weekend of teachings from Lama Mark Webber on the essential topics of Bodhicitta and Emptiness. These teachings are open to all. Friday October 26th, 7:00 pm – Teachings and guidance […]

Unity of Mindfulness, Powerful Intent and Bodhicitta

Toronto Ontario, Canada

An Invitation from the Namgyal Yangzab Buddhist Community of Canada

Unity of Mindfulness, Powerful Intent and Bodhicitta & Empowerment and Practice of Deathlessness and Longevity, & Reading Transmission, commentary and teachings on Gampopa’s essence text: The Single Sufficient Path of Mahamudra.

An Introduction to Abhidharma

Vienna, Austria

Please join Lama Mark in November 2018 for 12 days of teachings on Abhidhamma (Sanskrit, Abhidharma).

The Mahamudra

33 marion street toronto 33 Marion street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Staying on trackEnhancing the practiceFour Yogas With Lama Mark WebberSunday November 25, 201810am @ 33 Marion street, TorontoContact:

Meditations and Contemplations: Overcoming Anxiety of Death and Dying

We are pleased to announce that Lama Mark Webber will be giving teachings and instructions on death and dying taught in the Buddhist traditions on Saturday and Sunday, December 1 & 2 2018.Classes will be at 9.30am and 4pm each day.Topics include: • Overcoming the fear of death—seeing death and dying very differently• The view […]

Overcoming Turbulent Emotions

Villa Sumaya Santa Cruz la Laguna, Guatemala, Guatemala

Please join Lama Mark in 2018 for an eight day discovery of innate great purity through Dzogchen transmissions. Held at Villa Sumaya in the tropical region of Lake Atilan, the retreat is surrounded by three volcanos, open big sky and water views.

The Single Sufficient Path of Mahamudra

Palo-Santo, Boutique Hotel, Antigua, Guatemala 5 Avenida Sur, Antigua, Guatemala

The Antigua Dharma Community of Guatemala The Single Sufficient Path of Mahamudra Teachings and Meditations on Gampopa’s essence text a weekend retreat at Palo Santo Hotel, 5a avenida sur #21, Antigua with Lama Mark Webber Saturday & Sunday, January 5 & 6, 2019 Classes: 9:30 am & 4:00 pm each day Mahamudra, or 'great seal’, is […]

By Donation

Generating the Enlightened Mind of Profound Intent & The Single Sufficient Path of Mahamudra by Gampopa

Namgyal Choling Gompa, Galiano island, BC, Canada , Canada

An Invitation from Crystal Mountain Society & Namgyal Choling Gompa Generating the Enlightened Mind of Profound Intent&The Single Sufficient Path of Mahamudra by Gampopa  with  Lama Mark Webber  On Galiano Island  January 19 & 20, 2019  4 classes Saturday January 19th: Bodhicitta: Generating the Enlightened Mind of Profound Intent.9:30 am -11:30 am: Reading transmission and teachings on Thogme […]

Unfolding Confidence in Profound Intent

Queenstown Dharma Centre 12 Lake Street, Queenstown, New Zealand

2019 Teachings in Queenstown With Lama Mark Webber February 1 to February 25, 2019 (3 weeks) The main theme of February’s teachings and guidance by Lama Mark Webber is unfolding confidence in Profound Intent. Mental intent shapes what we do, what we say and what we think about. By giving a wide range of teachings, […]

4th Annual Dzogchen Retreat

Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre 355 Wangapeka River Rd, RD2, Wakefield, New Zealand

Completely Profound Enlightened Intent with Lama Mark Webber Friday 1 March - Sun 31 March, 2019 Wangapeka Retreat Centre, South Island, New Zealand The theme for this year’s Dzogchen retreat—Completely Profound Enlightened Intent—is taken from the lineage name, Gonpo Yangzab, the Dzogchen transmissions found within this month of meditations. Intention is at the heart of […]

Unifying Mindfulness with Bodhicitta, Discovering Pristine Awareness & Empowerment and Meditations of Namgyal

Nelson Buddhist Centre 87 Nile St (Opposite Central School), Nelson, New Zealand

An invitation from the Nelson Buddhist Centre87 Nile St, Nelson, 7010 April 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th 2019Lama Mark Webber Please join us for a rich weekend of teachings from Lama Mark Webber on the essential topics of Unifying mindfulness and Bodhicitta, Discovering Pristine Awareness (Mahamudra)and the Empowerment and meditations of Namgyal. These teachings are […]

Unifying Mindfulness with Bodhicitta & Discovering Pristine Awareness

Christchurch Buddhist Centre 43 Harrow St, Phillipstown, Christchurch, New Zealand

Unifying Mindfulness with Bodhicitta & Discovering Pristine Awareness With Lama Mark Webber Please join us for a wonderful weekend of teachings from Lama Mark Webber on the essential topics of Unifying mindfulness and Bodhicitta and Discovering Pristine Awareness (Mahamudra). These teachings are open to all.When: Friday, April 12: 7:00 pm - 9pm Saturday and Sunday, […]


~Reading Transmission and explanations of the Root Text on 7 Point Mind Training ~ & ~ A Commentary on Lho Nuden Dorje’s Dedication and Aspiration~

An Invitation from Crystal Mountain Society & Namgyal Choling Gompa ~ Reading Transmission and explanations of the Root Text on 7 Point Mind Training ~ & ~ A Commentary on Lho Nuden Dorje’s Dedication and Aspiration~ with Lama Mark Webber  April 27-28, 2019 – 4 classes1.Saturday April 27, morning—9:30-11:30 am: A Reading Transmission of the […]

Detailed Teachings and Meditations on the Awakening Mind: The Thirty-Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas & The Breath Meditations of Bodhisattvas.

Palo-Santo, Boutique Hotel, Antigua, Guatemala 5 Avenida Sur, Antigua, Guatemala

Classes are 9:30 am -11:30 am and 4 pm to 6 pm each day. The Antigua Dharma Community of Guatemala Detailed Teachings and Meditations on the Awakening Mind: The Thirty-Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas & The Breath Meditations of Bodhisattvas a weekend retreat at Palo Santo Hotel, 5a avenida sur #21, Antigua with Lama Mark Webber […]

~ A Commentary on Lho Nüden Dorje’s Dedication and Aspiration~

Toronto Ontario, Canada

2 Classes @ 7.30pm on June 4-5 An Invitation from the Namgyal Yangzab Buddhist Community of Canada~ A Commentary on Lho Nüden Dorje’s Dedication and Aspiration~ with Lama Mark Webber  June 4-5, 2019 – Classes @7.30pm each dayA Commentary on Lho Nüden Dorje’s Dedication and Aspiration found within the Yangzab Dzogchen Preliminary Liberation Instructions. Lama […]

Teachings on Phowa & Longevity/Deathlessness Empowerment with Lho Ontul Rinpoche

St george by the grange 30 Stephanie Street, Toronto, Canada

June 8th and 9th from 10-12 noon and 3-5pm on each day Teachings on Phowa & Longevity/Deathlessness EmpowermentWith Lho Ontul RinpocheIn TorontoOn June 8th and 9th 2019 Get tickets on:… Saturday, June 8th: 10-12 noon and 3-5 pm Phowa is the Buddhist practice for directing the transference of consciousness at the time of death. The […]

Retreat at the Dharma Centre of Canada with Lama Mark Webber

The Dharma Centre of Canada 1886 Galway Rd., Kinmount, Ontario, Canada

Retreat at the Dharma Centre of Canada with Lama Mark Webber For more information, please visit: For any request, please contact: Toll-Free: 1-866-266-0966Tel: 705-488-2704

The Thirty-Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas, Breathing as a Bodhisattva and Singhamuka Empowerment

Pema Tamdrin Ling Centre 1555 Mac Donald Avenue, Burnaby, British Colombia, Canada

June 29, 30 and July 1st @ 9.30am and 4pm each day An Invitation from Crystal Mountain Society & The Namgyal Yangzab Community of Vancouver Detailed Teachings and Meditations on: The Thirty-Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas Breathing as a Bodhisattva&Empowerment of the Lion headed Dakini Singhamuka with Lama Mark Webber(Lama Yongdu Gyaltsen) a weekend retreat at […]

The Four Immeasurables

Rivendell Retreat Centre 600 Rivendell drive, Bowen Island, British Colombia, Canada

An Invitation from Crystal Mountain Society & The NamgyalYangzab Community Teachings and Meditations on: The Four Immeasurables with Lama Mark Webber (Lama Yongdu Gyaltsen) a class on Bowen Island, BC Rivendell Retreat Centre Tuesday July 3rd, 2019 Class: 2:30 to 4:30 pm We are pleased to announce that Lama Mark Webber will be giving teachings […]

19th Annual Summer Retreat at Crystal Mountain Society

Learning to Distinguish between Awareness and Pristine Awareness, Practicing Loving-kindness and Great Love Dates: July 6th to August 4, 2019 Location: Crystal Mountain Society Retreat and Namgyal Choling Gompa, Galiano Island, B.C. Canada Contact: For more information and registration, contact Susan van Asselt: Crystal Mountain Society is very pleased to announce that for the […]

Abhidhamma, Tantra and Emptiness-Compassion, Galiano Island, BC

Please note there is a *DATE CHANGE* September 21, 2019 to March 31, 2020 A Six Month Retreat with Lama Mark Webber sponsored by Crystal Mountain Society September 21, 2019 to March 31, 2020 In response to requests for another deep study of Abhidhamma, Lama Mark has proposed a six month retreat on Galiano Island […]

An Abhidhamma Transmission, Study & Retreat

Transmission and step by step teachings & meditation for 3 months, plus 1 month intensive Vipassana retreat — In response to requests for another deep study of Abhidhamma with Lama Mark, there will be a four month retreat on Galiano Island. The Abhidhamma (Pali for “Higher Laws” or “Higher Phenomena”, Sanskrit: Abhidharma) is one of […]

Introduction to Abhidhamma & the Empowerments of the 12 Manjusris

Galiano Island 455-2555 Cook road, Galiano island, United States

An Invitation from Crystal Mountain Society & Namgyal Choling Gompa Dates: September 28 & 29th, 2019 - 4 Sessions Saturday September 28 from 9.30 - 11.30am and 3 - 5pm: Open to the public. These two introductory talks clarify the purpose and subjects of Abhidhamma (Sanskrit, Abhidharma). Abhidhamma means ‘higher laws’ or ‘higher phenomena.’ It […]

Path of Purification & Transmission of the Drikung Dzogchen Vajrasattva Practice

Please join us for a rich weekend of teachings from Lama Mark Webber on the crucial topic of the Path of Purification: understanding the ingredients and practices of the ancient Buddhist Path of Liberation and Awakening. These teachings are open to all. Dates: Nov. 1 -3, 2019 Location: Bethelehem Retreat Centre, Nanaimo, B.C. (non-Residential retreat) Friday evening, […]

A weekend retreat in Antigua, Guatemala – What is Mindfulness? What is Meditation? A Practical Orientation to Classic Buddhist and Modern Perspectives

The Antigua Dharma Community of Guatemala We are delighted that Lama Mark will give four sessions on these most important of topics. In addition, he will give practical examples of core meditations and their benefits. Lama Mark brings to us almost half a century of personal meditation experience, leading retreats and teaching the path of […]

Teachings in Queenstown, New Zealand – Great Foundations of the Awakening Mind

Introduction to the classes and retreats: Lama Mark Webber (Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen) brings over forty years of classically grounded study and practice in both Buddhism and science to his teaching. Using diverse methods of instruction, he helps people understand the cause of suffering states and its cessation, guiding them on the path of freedom, to […]

5th Annual Dzogchen Retreat at Wangapeka Retreat Centre, New Zealand

Completely Profound Enlightened Intent: The major theme for this year’s Dzogchen retreat, is the meditation on Dorje Drolö, the most secret syllable HUM practice, from the Chos Gonpo Yangzab, the Drikung Dzogchen lineage of ‘Completely Profound Enlightened Intent’. Our intentions are at the heart of all we do, think, feel, where we go, what we say […]

Teachings in Nelson, New Zealand – What is Meditation? What is Mindfulness? And Empowerment to be announced

From April 10 to 13th: Friday April 10, 7:00 pm. What is Mindfulness? What is Meditation? A Practical Orientation from Classic Buddhist and Modern Perspectives. These classes provide explanations, instructions and practical guidance for unfolding the full scope of mindfulness and meditation from classic Buddhist perspectives as well as recently developed methods. Lama Mark Webber […]

Worldwide Recitation of 100 Million Vajra Guru Mantras

Please join us in a wonderful meditation and prayer: collectively reciting 100 million Guru Rinpoche Mantras.  In the May 16th class and meditation with Drikung Ontul Rinpoche, Lho Ratna Rinpoche invited us all to join them and the community of Tso Pema*, India in reciting Vajra Guru mantras: OM AH HUNG BENZAR GURU PEMA SIDDHI […]

Bodhicitta and the Construction of our Illusory Experience

We have the pleasure to announce that Lama Mark Webber will give a Dharma Class on zoom on Tuesday the 14th of July. The topics that would be covered are: the 5 Aggregates and the Construction of our Illusory Experience based on the commentary by Thrangu Rinpoche on the Treatise from the 3rd Karmapa, Transcending Ego, […]

20th Annual Summer Retreat at Crystal Mountain Society

Great Love and Pristine Awareness: Learning and Practicing Deeper Crystal Mountain Society is very pleased to announce that for the 20th year Lama Mark Webber will be teaching, leading meditation and guiding practitioners at the Crystal Mountain Summer Retreat. Dates:  August 1 to  August 30, 2020Location: Crystal Mountain Society Retreat and Namgyal Choling Gompa,Galiano Island, […]

Building Strength and Capacity in the Path of Liberation and Awakening

An Invitation from Island Dharma: Please join us for a rich weekend of teachings and meditations from Lama Mark Webber on the crucial topic of building strength and capacity—Merit—in the Path of Liberation and Awakening. These teachings are open to all. Three classes will be offered: Saturday evening, September 12, 7:30 -9:30 pm Sunday morning, September […]

A Dzogchen Retreat at the Dharma Centre of Canada

We are delighted to announce that Lama Gyaltsen (Lama Mark Webber) has accepted an invitation on behalf of his students from the Dzogchen Community of Canada to lead and teach 3 weeks (Sept 22 – Oct. 13, 2020) of a 12-week Great Perfection Retreat - at the Dharma Centre of Canada. The intent of this […]

Online Teachings with Lho Ontul Rinpoche

Refining Emotions: A Teaching on Mind Training Dates: Saturday and Sunday, November 14-15, 2020 at 7:30pm (GMT+5:30)On ZOOM and FACEBOOK ofNamgyal Yangzab Buddhist Community of Canada Times: Delhi - 7:30 pm (GMT+5:30) Germany and Switzerland - 3:00 pm (GMT+1) United Kingdom - 2:00 pm (GMT) Vancouver/Galiano - 6:00 am (PDT: GMT-8) Guatemala - 8:00 am […]

White Tara Zoom Retreat

Please join us in a wonderful meditation and prayer of compassion and wisdom awareness: collectively reciting White Tara mantras. Reading Transmission of the Practice TextTeachings and ExplanationsGroup PracticeIndividual Practice — suggested goal 100,000 mantras each Dates: December 19-20 at 11.30 am - PST (GMT-8) Time: Vancouver/Galiano: 11:30 am – PST (GMT-8)Guatemala: 1:30 pm – (GMT-6)Toronto: […]

Four Foundations of Mindfulness and the Path of Mahamudra

Please join us in classes on the importance and methods of the Buddha’s Four Foundations of Mindfulness as an essential component of the path of Mahamudra. Lama Mark will emphasize the essentiality of us continuing to develop the three main qualities of mindfulness—recollection, attentiveness and memory—as a key component of the whole path of awakening. […]

Online Dharma Teachings on Zoom

Mahamudra/Dzogchen and Mindfulness continued: Integrating with Visualization and Mantra Further guidance on the necessity of mindfulness in Mahamudra/Dzogchen practice. And the discernment between mindfulness, awareness and luminous awareness. Moreover, Lama Mark will give instructions on developing the seamless integration of visualization and mantra with the unsupported completion stage; bringing about a unity of generation and […]

Online Teachings: Gampopa’s Precious Garland of the Sublime Path

Continuing on the theme of The Four Foundations of Mindfulness and the Path of Mahamudra: Over two weekends Lama Mark will give commentary and explanations on Je Gampopa’s extraordinary collection of advise for all practitioner’s of Dharma. Gampopa, living in the 12 century, was one of Tibet’s most accomplished and gifted teachers. His personal words […]

7 Sessions of Online Teachings & Meditations requested by the Queenstown Dharma Centre

Unfolding Confidence in Dharma: the Path of Freedom Since everything we experience and think about is formed in our mind, if we want lasting freedom, we need to come to know mind: innate freedom and luminous compassion. This is the Dharma. Over a two month period, Lama Mark will be giving teachings and directing meditations […]

Online Teachings on: “The Single Sufficient Path of Mahamudra” by Je Gampopa – Part II

AUDIO RECORDINGS The Single Sufficient Path of Mahamudra Part II Teachings and Meditations on Gampopa’s essence text with Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen (Mark Webber) Dates: Friday and Saturday, May 15-16 at 11:30 am PDT (GMT-8) Lama Mark Webber will continue to give further meditative instructions on the unity of śamatha-vipaśyanā and the Four Yogas based on […]

The Twelve Examples of Illusion: profound supports to realize awakeness

Audio Recordings A Weekend of Zoom Teachings on Saturday & Sunday, June 12-13, 2021 @ 11:30 am PST Lama Mark Webber gave teachings and meditation practices based on the classic twelve examples of illusion from the Mahayana and Theravadin traditions; e.g., bubbles, rainbows, echos, lightning and mirror. Contemplation on these examples allows an easier access […]

21st Annual Summer Retreat at Crystal Mountain Society

Bodies of Awareness: Meditations on Our Vital yet Illusory Bodies Crystal Mountain Society is very pleased to announce that for the 21st year Lama Mark Webber will be teaching, leading meditation and guiding practitioners at the Crystal Mountain Summer Retreat. Possibility to attend on ZoomWe are pleased to announce that Lama Mark Webber has offered […]

Deepening Dzogchen Retreat

Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen (Lama Mark Webber) has accepted an invitation on behalf of his students to lead a 3 week 'Great Perfection' Retreat at the Dharma Centre of Canada this fall. It will rely on the richness of the Drikung Dzogchen from the Yangzab Terma teachings of Tertӧn Rinchen Phuntsok (16th century), as well as, […]

The Infinite Space of Loving-kindness: exploring the scope and meditations of loving-kindness, compassion and wisdom

We are pleased to announce that Lama Mark Webber will be teaching in Antigua, Guatemala for two weekends. The unity of loving-kindness, compassion and wisdom are the kernel of an awake and illuminated mind. Over two weekends Lama Mark Webber, based on original and timeless Buddhist texts will unfold the vast scope of these teachings […]

Lojong, Seven Points Mind Training, Commentary by Lho Ontul Rinpoche

The original Lojong practice consists of 59 slogans. These slogans are further organized into seven groupings, called the ‘Seven Points Mind Training’. These teachings, were introduced to Tibet by Lord Atiśha in the eleventh century. Dates: Session 1: 29th January, 2022 Session 2: 12th February, 2022 Session 3: 19th February, 2022 Session 4: 26th February, […]

A Two-Month Series of Teachings and Retreat on Je Gampopa’s Jewel Ornament of Liberation

Lama Mark Webber will give a survey of Je Gampopa’s famous Jewel Ornament of Liberation, thereby giving out contemplations, meditations and life advice. This is designed as a practical retreat course. Gampopa’s text is one of the great masterpieces of the entire Mahayana path; clear, precise and liberating no matter which century we live in. Those who […]

Public Online Class : Introduction to JeGampopa’s The Jewel Ornament of Liberation

by Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen (Lama Mark Webber) Je Gampopa’s famous Jewel Ornament of Liberation is one of the great masterpieces of the entire Mahayana path; clear, precise and liberating no matter which century we live in.  The Translator,  Khenpo Konchog Gyaltsen Rinpoche, says: “Khunu Lama Rinpoche said that this was the first Lam Rim  text written […]

Unfolding Oceans of Compassion Awareness: 22nd Annual Summer Retreat at Crystal Mountain

with Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen (Lama Mark Webber) Crystal Mountain Society is very pleased to announce that for the 22nd year Lama Mark Webber will be teaching, leading meditation and guiding practitioners at the Crystal Mountain Summer Retreat. Dates: August 3rd to August 25th, 2022 Location: Crystal Mountain Society Retreat and Namgyal Choling Gompa,Galiano Island, B,C. […]

Unfolding Oceans of Compassion Awareness: one Week of Public Zoom Classes

Join us for one week of public Zoom classes with Lama Mark Webber (Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen) on “Unfolding Oceans of Compassion Awareness”. Teachings are given in the frame of an annual 3-week in-person summer retreat sponsored by Crystal Mountain on Galiano Island.   Schedule and Topics: Introducing the foundations for the awakening mind (Bodhicitta) supported by meditation. […]

Billowing Clouds of Compassion Awareness: Deepening our Explorations of the Vast Expanse and Luminous Nature

The Dharma Centre of Canada is delighted to announce that Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen (Lama Mark Webber) has accepted an invitation from his students to return to the DCC to lead a three-week immersive retreat. Lama Mark will offer Transmissions and Teachings from the streams of the Drikung Mahamudra and Dzogchen lineages and other precious lines of transmission. […]

Public Zoom Classes: Billowing Clouds of Compassion Awareness: Deepening Our Explorations of The Vast Expanse and Luminous Nature

Saturday, September 24 – Friday, September 30*Daily Class 1: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM East Coast TimeDaily Class 2: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM East Coast Time*Class times subject to change, and will be posted here. Please check regularly. Join us for one week of public Zoom classes with Lama Mark Webber (Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen) […]

Honouring the Beloved Kyabje Lho Ontul Rinpoche

Led by Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen (Lama Mark Webber) December 3 and 4, 2022, Online Only These two Online Dharma Sessions offered by Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen (Lama Mark Webber) are for dedicated practitioners with heart connections and strong commitments to Lho Ontul Rinpoche or Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen. They are supporting Rinpoche’s Buddha activities and deepening our […]

Pointing to the Nature of Mind

Meditation Guidance and Teachings with Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen (Mark Webber) We are pleased to announce that Lama Mark Webber will be guiding a retreat in Santa Cruz La Laguna on Lake Atitlán, Guatemala for ten days in January-February 2023. Glimpses that the unfabricated and unconfused mind is free and vividly awake, is the most loving […]

Meditations on Illusion and Vast Compassion: The Twelve Examples of Illusion & The Outer, Inner and Secret Practices of Chenresig 

  6th Annual Dzogchen Retreat at the Wangapeka with Lama Mark Webber (Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen) Description: With transmissions and methods of great love and wisdom for all beings, there are three themes for this year’s Dzogchen retreat: February 23 – March 12, 2023 Wangapeka Retreat Centre, South Island, New Zealand Enquiries & Registration: For all […]

The Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind from Samsara, Nelson, NZ

Lama Mark Webber will be giving two talks at Nelson Buddhist Centre in March on The Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind from Samsara and Generating Bodhicitta. The Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind from Samsara are so deep and profound they are recited and contemplated in all Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions. A deeper understanding of […]

Bodhicitta, Refuge and Vajrasattva, Christchurch, NZ

Bodhicitta, the Awakening Mind  Nature of Refuge and following a Spiritual Guide  Vajrasattva Meditation and the Four Powers With Lama Yongdu Chokyi Gyaltsen (Lama Mark Webber) Friday March 17th (7-9 pm) On Bodhicitta, the Awakening Mind.Bodhicitta is the heart of all Mahayana and Vajrayana practices. Bodhicitta is the Mahamudra and Dzogchen. As the unity of compassion […]

Comprehensive Month of Public Teachings, Queenstown, NZ

Lama Mark (Lama Yongdu Chokyi Gyaltsen) is our Spiritual Adviser and one of our Principal Teachers. He is returning to Queenstown this year (following a COVID-enforced absence) and has very kindly offered a comprehensive month of public teachings, as described in the table below. This is currently a draft, and is subject to change. Details regarding […]

Teachings with Lama Mark Webber (Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen) in Europe 2023

Retreat in Ortisei, Italy: Friday, May 26 to Thursday, June 1 (Friday morning to Thursday evening) Vast Compassion – Principles of Tantric Meditation Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen will give an introduction to the basics of tantric meditation, deepen our understanding of reality – what are we looking for, and how can we achieve it? – and […]

‘The Oral Instructions of Orgyen Chemchog Nuden Dorje Tsal’ and ‘the Nature and Practice of Mindfulness in All Three Cycles of Buddha Dharma’

23rd Crystal Mountain Summer Retreat, Galiano Island, BC with LHO KARMA RATNA RINPOCHE and LAMA CHOKYI GYALTSEN (LAMA MARK WEBBER) We are overjoyed to announce that Lho Ratna Rinpoche has accepted the heartfelt invitations of Lama Mark Webber, CMS and NYBCC to teach at Crystal Mountain Society’s 23rd Annual Summer Retreat in August. Rinpoche and Lama […]

Zoom Hybrid Classes – Crystal Mountain Annual Summer Retreat 2023

The Nature and Practice of Mindfulness in All Three Cycles of Buddha DharmaBy Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen Lama Gyaltsen will generously share by Zoom the first six classes of the Annual One-month In-person Summer Retreat of Crystal Mountain Society on Galiano Island. Daily Classes will be from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM PDT (see your time zone here) […]

The Yangzab Dzogchen Liberating InstructionsFrom The Most Profound Intent of the Sublime Dharma

with H.E. Lho Ratna Rinpoche H.E. Ratna Rinpoche has accepted the invitation of the Namgyal Yangzab Buddhist Community of Canada (NYBCC) to provide a reading transmission and commentary of the profound Yangzab Gonpo Dzogchen Common and Extraordinary Preliminary Liberating Instructions (Ngondro Foundation Practices). The Ngondro practices initiate aspiring and fortunate practitioners wishing to transform their […]

An Introduction to the Mahamudra: From alert concentration to discovering the natural mind of Awakeness & the Empowerment of Manjushri

With Lama Mark Webber Please join us for a rich retreat week of teachings and meditations from Lama Mark Webber on the crucial topic and stages of meditations of the Mahamudra. Lama Webber writes: The Mahamudra is the natural unobstructed and non-clinging mode of our minds. Mahamudra is fully compassionate, and though utterly empty of […]

Meditation and Great Compassion (Bodhicitta), Toronto, ON

Talks and Guidance by Lama Mark Webber(Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen) Wednesday September 27 & Thursday 28, 2023 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Topics Covered:  Instructions and advice for both beginners and experienced practitioners, and plenty of opportunities to ask questions. VENUE20A Lavinia AvenueBloor West VillageToronto, ON M6S 3H7 (Runnymede subway stop) Ample street parking available Please contact to confirm your […]

2023 Meditation Retreat and Teachings at the Dharma Centre of Canada, ON

Bodhicitta, the Awakening Mind Mindfulness in the three Cycles of the Buddhist Teachings; Chapter 5, Shantideva’s Way of the Bodhisattva;  The Inner Yoga of Anapanasati - recollection of breath - a 14-day silent retreat With Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen (Lama Mark Webber) Friday September 29 to Wednesday October 18, 2023 Friday September 29 (7-9 pm):Orientation to the […]

Online Dharma Classes, Broadcast from the Dharma Centre of Canada, Kinmount, ON

(Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen) Bodhicitta, the Awakening MindMindfulness in the Three Cycles of theBuddhist Teachings Bodhicitta, the Awakening Mind: Bodhicitta is the heart of all Mahayana and Vajrayana practices. The unity of compassion and emptiness is the body, speech and mind of awakened ones. Lama Gyaltsen will give a practical orientation to this profound topic based […]

An Instruction on the View of the Mahāyāna: Clarifying the Two Truths by Patrul Rinpoche, Ottawa, ON

We are pleased to announce that Lama Mark Webber has accepted our invitation to teach Dharma in Ottawa. He will teach and give guidance with a weekend of five Dharma classes. Lama Webber will give commentary and explanations on a profound text called Instruction on the View of the Mahāyāna: Clarifying the Two Truths. It was […]

The Awakening Mind – Profound Meditations and Contemplations, Antigua, Guatemala

We are pleased to announce that Lama Mark Webber will be teaching and giving commentary on a famous Indian Buddhist text by Nagarjuna, The Bodhicittavivarana—A commentary on the Awakening Mind. Nagarjuna, a famous Indian Buddhist saint of the 2nd century CE wrote an extraordinarily concise outline for the path of uncovering and familiarizing oneself with […]

Ten Day Silent Retreat, Santa Cruz, Lake Atitlán, Guatemala-Jan 11 -21, 2024

 Meditation guidance and Teachings with Lama Mark Webber (Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen) The Inner Yoga of Anapanasati - Recollection of Breath  We are pleased to announce that Lama Mark Webber will be guiding a retreat in Santa Cruz La Laguna on Lake Atitlán, Guatemala for ten days in January-February 2023.  Lama Gyaltsen shares in detail an […]

The Breath of Compassion and Pristine Awareness, Wangapeka Retreat Centre, NZ

with Lama Mark Webber (Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen), February 9 to March 8, 2024  1.    Deepening Our Understanding and Practice of Chenresig—Empowerment and Instructions by Orgyen Patrul Rinpoche 2.    The Inner Yoga of Anapanasati - recollection of breath - a three-week silent retreat February 9: (7-9 pm.)Orientation to the retreat and retreat conduct. February 10-15.Deepening our Understanding and Practice […]

View, Meditation and Action, and how to follow a Spiritual Guide, Nelson, NZ

New Zealand  Friday, March 8th, 7pm: Understanding the View: the profound intent and realization of all schools of Buddhism Without deeply hearing the very essence of Dharma, it is easy to wander off from the purpose of all study, reflection and meditation. Lama Webber explains the View from several classic Buddhist perspectives born from the […]

2024 Teachings In Christchurch, New Zealand

Friday March 15 to Sunday March 17 Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners, and plenty of opportunities to ask questions.Venue: Christchurch Buddhist Centre. 43 Harrow Street Phillipstown. Behind main house. clairecovenevis@gmail.comRecommended Donation: $10 per class plus koha/donation for Lama Mark. Queries to Kathleen: 027 363 2833

Teachings in Queenstown, NZ

Lama Mark (Lama Yongdu Chokyi Gyaltsen) is returning to Queenstown this year from 22-March to 21-April, 2024 and has very kindly offered a comprehensive month of public teachings, as described below. Program: Fri, 22 (eve) View, meditation, and action. Overview and direct instructions for unfolding the awakening mind. Presenting the view, meditation, and action of […]

Unfolding an Infinite Merit Field: Meditations Combining the Six Perfections with Awakening Mind, Nanaimo, BC

An Invitation from Island Dharma Please join us this May for a Retreat with Lama Mark Webber (Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen) Unfolding an Infinite Merit Field: Meditations Combining the Six Perfections with Awakening Mind May 8-12, 2024 Nanaimo, B.C. - Bethlehem Retreat Centre Unfolding in wisdom and compassion requires developed qualities called a merit field. Please […]

Europe Tour 2024, Italy, Switzerland and Denmark

Lama Mark Webber (Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen) Note that parts of the Teachings in Europe will be accessible via online attendance. Please go here for details. Retreat in Ortisei, Italy:  Saturday, May 25 to Sunday, June 2, 2024 Mind Training - Cultivating the Heart of Compassion & Wisdom Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen will give teachings on mind […]

24th Annual Summer Retreat at Crystal Mountain, Galiano, BC

UNCOVERING THE BREATH OF COMPASSION AND SKY-LIKE AWARENESS 1.    Teachings and transmissions on the essence of Buddhist meditation and the Path of Liberation (week 1)2.    Empowerment and practices of Sarasvati (week 1)3.    The Inner Yoga of Anapanasati - recollection of breath - a three-week silent retreat Lama Chökyi Gyaltsen (Lama Mark Webber) will be offering online classes during […]

Pilgrimage to Tibet

with H.E. Lho Ratna Rinpoche & Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen (Lama Mark Webber) Tour Dates: September 1st to 17th, 2024 ANNOUNCEMENT This is our second pilgrimage to Tibet, and we are excited to embark on this journey together again! Our previous visit in 2018 was truly extraordinary. In September 2024, we are returning, joined by H.E. Lho […]

The Glorious Meditation of Guru Rinpoche ORGYEN KALDEN DRENDZE

Empowerment, Practice and Explanations from Lama Mark Webber (Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen) All Day Mini Retreat Ananta Karuna Dharma Centre, Sannich, B.C. on Monday November 11, 2024 Morning Session: Afternoon Session: Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners, with opportunities to ask questions.Venue:  Ananta Karuna Dharma Centre - 5321 Alderly Road (second entry, red roof),  Victoria, BC Contact […]

Empowerment, Practice and Explanationsof the Sublime Meditation

Amitabha We are delighted to announce that Lama Mark Webber (Lama Yongdu Chokyi Gyaltsen) has generously offered to bestow the Yangzab Amitabha Empowerment.This is a profound practice, uncovering ones potential for infinite great love and discerning wisdom awareness. The practice and blessing empowerment is open to those with a sincere desire to unfold the qualities of Amitabha. […]

Garab Dorje’s The Three Statements that Strike the Vital Point

Teachings by Lama Mark Webber (Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen) The Dharma community of Bowen Island is pleased to announce that Lama Mark Webber will be teaching on Feb 1st & 2nd, 2025.  These classes are open to practitioners of all levels, from beginners to advanced, and to anyone wishing to deepen their sense of freedom and compassion […]

8th Annual Dzogchen Retreat at Wangapeka

With Lama Mark Webber (Lama Yongdu Chokyi Gyaltsen - via Zoom) and Jonathan Chambers (in person) We are thrilled to announce this opportunity for Dharma practitioners to come together for a 9-day Dzogchen retreat at Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre in February 2025. This year’s retreat will focus on entering the discerning and infinite loving space […]