Establishing Mental/Emotional Freedom, Switzerland

The Art and Science of Meditationdownload poster here We are pleased to announce that Lama Mark Webber will be leading a retreat with Dharma talks and practice sessions on meditation in Switzerland. Lama Mark will point out the very heart of meditation, integrating the ancient arts of meditation with our modern understandings of cognition and […]

Teachings and Retreats in Germany

Click to download the German language posterClick to download the German language postcardClick to download the English language posterPublic Talk in Salon Stephan Lipphaus Naturfriseur, Karlstraße 50, 42105 Wuppertal; 5 € plus Dana * – Meditation and the Path of Liberation – May 13th (7:30pm)Weekend Workshop at WPZ (Waldpädagogisches Zentrum Burgholz, Friedensstraße 69, 42349 Wuppertal; 40 € plus […]

The Union of Sound and Awareness, Ottawa, ON

“I estimate that many people have at least 10 thousand outer and inner stories, conversations, songs, dialogues and chatter per day; about 3.5 million per year. Please consider that each dialogue, secretes neuro-hormones shaping and vibrating our body, speech and mental-emotional patterns—forming our brain maps. It is all sound. We will discover that we can […]

Prajnaparamita Empowerment, Toronto, ON

The Prajnaparamita Empowerment and Teachings on the Heart SutraLama Mark Webber will bestow the Prajnaparamita Empowerment and give teachings on the Heart Sutra. These events will be held in a private home, so please RSVP for directions and details. By donation. To enquire or RSVP, please email: Landsdowne and Bloor, Toronto

Ever Deepening Mindfulness, Kinmount, ON

Tuning up the Inner Microscope and TelescopeOver the course of a two week meditation retreat, Lama Mark will continue to explore the Dharmas in the Namgyal Sadhana by refining and ever deepening the practice and experience of Mindfulness and Insight. Dharma Centre of Canada, Ontario

Four Noble Truths and Essence of Mind, Winnipeg, MB

Two Evening Buddha Dharma Talkswith Lama Mark WebberTuesday, June 28th and Wednesday, June 29th, 20117:30 p.m.All of the various Insight meditations help uncover three great mysteries: liberation from suffering, mind and compassion. In these two evenings, Lama Mark Webber will open the vast door on how we discover liberation from suffering and why the meditations […]

The Sixty Qualities of Buddha’s Speech, Galiano Island, BC

THE ANNUAL CRYSTAL MOUNTAIN SUMMER RETREAT with Lama Mark WebberLama Mark has been requested to give teaching and a retreat on the Sixty Qualities of Buddha’s Speech.“Through Compassion and Wisdom an extraordinary range of communication is possible. The sixty qualities of Buddha’s speech, as described in texts is astounding in its range and depth. Yet, […]

 The Path of Liberation-Meditation, Vancouver, BC

We are pleased to announce that Lama Mark Webber will be in Vancouver on Sunday November 27th 2011. There will be a potluck supper followed by a Dharma talk.Lama Mark will give teachings to clarify, step by step, The Path of Liberation-Meditation. Questions welcomed!All welcome. Please RSVP for potluck and/or just the Dharma talk […]

One month of explorations in Tso Pema (Rewalsar), India

Interested students of Lama Mark who would like to explore and travel in northern India please contact: Jamie At this point we are still working on the itinerary. Once it is fully settled we will inform all on the Email-list. Considerations: You will need to get a Visitor’s visa for India, please check the following link […]

Contemplating the Nature of Illusion, Guatemala

Teachings on the 12 signs of Illusion from the Indian Tantric TraditionThe Crystal Mountain Annual Winter RetreatTHE UNION OF COMPASSION AND PRIMORDIAL AWARENESSSunday January 15- Saturday February 11 2012 (2 week (January 15-28) or 4 week retreat options available)Location: Villas B’alam Ya, Lake Atilan, Carretera a Santa Catarina, Guatemala, ( registration and details please contact:Nicolina […]

The Art & Science of Meditation, Berkeley, CA

the practice of awareness & compassion “Ever wonder why we really want to meditate? What is it’s purpose? Where does meditation lead us? What is it we have to do to meditate? Why all the different techniques and themes of meditation?” Lama Mark will kindly and directly illuminate for us the most essential points of […]

Blazing Awareness, Wangapeka, NZ

A one month retreat and teachings at the Wangapeka Retreat Centre. Contact: Alan Wangapeka Study & Retreat Centre, South Island, New Zealand

The Twelve Examples of Illusion, Nelson, NZ

Lama Mark Webber will be guiding us to understand the nature of Suffering, Emptiness and Compassion through explanatory teachings and introducing us to profound meditations. He will draw on instructions from classic Buddhist Insight traditions and the Twelve Examples of Illusion from ancient Indian Mahayana sources. Throughout the day Lama Mark will weave explanations from […]

Teachings & Retreats in Queenstown and Auckland, NZ

Lama Mark’s teachings Queenstown April 8th-3oth: Teachings based on Blazing Awakeness, will include empowerments to be advised and Movie Yoga. Please contact Alan for more information:, or visit the website: Lama Mark’s teachings in Auckland (poster)May 1st to 4th: Cutting through to the Root: Meditations & teachings on the Illusions that Cause Suffering States.May […]

One month of Public classes, Teachings & Retreats in Germany & Switzerland

Germany schedule (poster in English or German #2 and German #3): For further information please see: or contact Karin Ricono or 0202/305930 or 0049/17652579518 or Monika Ellies or 0049/173392145 Switzerland schedule Cutting through to the Root: Meditations & teachings on the Illusions that Cause Suffering States. Lama Mark will guide us to understand the nature of Suffering, Emptiness & Compassion through explanatory teachings […]

Deep Sensing & Seeing with the Heart, Vancouver, BC

A two day mini-retreat and Empowerment of Green Tara of the Acacia Forest Saturday 9:30 am – 9 pm, Sunday 9 am – 5 pm On Saturday morning we will begin promptly at 9:30 with the Empowerment. It is appreciated that participants arrive 15 minutes early!. DANA: (Donation) Support for the Teacher is given separately from the […]

Public Class and Wongkur of Orgyen Kalden Drendze, Vancouver, BC

Class: Understanding the Two Accumulations: Merit and Insight and comments on the nature of ritual and Tantric practice.7:30 pm, September 12th 1444 Argyle Ave. West Vancouver (15 minutes from downtown Vancouver). All are welcome. Please RSVP to Terry Frewer by email or by phoning 604-926-6288. Dana (generous donation) to the Lama is traditional and welcomed. Separately, to […]

The Buddha’s Mangala Sutta: the union of loving-kindness and awareness, Winnipeg, MB

By request, Lama Yongdu will be giving teachings and meditations from the Buddha’s Mangala Sutta or the ‘Discourse on Blessings’. Lama Yongdu will weave ancient wisdom with modern insights to bring forth beautiful meditations that can really help in the intelligent gathering and development of life’s countless blessings. Lama Mark writes:“So many people ask, ‘How […]

Fully Awake Compassionate Mind, Kinmount, ON

Crown Initiation of Vajra Yogini and 3 Month Retreat.Teachings on Compassion, Yidam Yoga, Inner Yogas, and Mahamudra in a deep retreat setting. Retreat is full with a waiting list. For more information, or to place your name on the waiting list, or to enquire about the server meditator roles, please visit or by phoning the Dharma […]

3 Classes in Port Hope, ON

Meditation and Everyday Life Saturday, October 6thLama Mark will speak about the conditions that allow the meditative mind of clarity, love, compassion and joy to emerge and stay naturally steady and present. Insight or Not Insight Saturday, November 3rdEver wonder what Insight or Wisdom means? What does genuine Insight change in us and those around […]

3 Classes in Port Hope, ON

Meditation and Everyday Life Saturday, October 6thLama Mark will speak about the conditions that allow the meditative mind of clarity, love, compassion and joy to emerge and stay naturally steady and present. Insight or Not Insight Saturday, November 3rdEver wonder what Insight or Wisdom means? What does genuine Insight change in us and those around […]

3 Classes in Port Hope, ON

Meditation and Everyday Life Saturday, October 6thLama Mark will speak about the conditions that allow the meditative mind of clarity, love, compassion and joy to emerge and stay naturally steady and present. Insight or Not Insight Saturday, November 3rdEver wonder what Insight or Wisdom means? What does genuine Insight change in us and those around […]

Foundations of Mindfulness, Vancouver, BC

We are fortunate to have Lama Mark Webber lead us in meditations and give teachings on the many facets of classic Buddhist mindfulness training and as they relate to some discoveries in neuropsychology. He will explain the Four Foundations of Mindfulness and give some profound instructions from the Mahamudra and Dzogchen tradition.Lama Mark writes: “Without […]

Dharma and Diving in Cayos Cochins, Honduras

The weather and water have been especially delicious this year in Cayos Cochinos. Laurel has been out snorkeling and diving every day for 2 weeks seeing many new and interesting things. The list is long but a few highlights are: a large moray eel, 3 sea turtles, nurse shark, a magnificent spotted eagle ray, stingrays, […]

Vajra Yogini Retreat:, Wangapeka, NZ

ONE MONTH OPTION: February 16th to March 16th (subject to accommodation), or THREE MONTH OPTION: February 16th to May 18th. Lama Mark is extending an invitation to interested practitioner’s to:1) attend the first month of the three-month retreat, and being guided by the Lama through a retreat program or2) attend for three-months. The one-month option […]

Understanding the Universal Nature of Buddhist Refuge, Nelson, NZ

A Public Class with Lama Mark Webber 7 pm Saturday March 9th, 2013 What really is your Refuge? Taking Refuge in the Buddhist tradition can be mystifying; often seen as religious dogma and confusing for many Westerners. Yet all traditions of Buddhadharma consider taking and developing Refuge to be essential along the path of Freedom […]

Three Stages of Ever Deepening Mindfulness: Essential Pointers for unifying meditation practice and daily living, Queenstown, NZ

An Urban Retreat taught by Lama Mark Webber We are fortunate to have Lama Mark Webber lead us in meditations and give teachings on the many facets of classic Buddhist mindfulness training and as they relate to some discoveries in neuropsychology. He will explain in detail the Buddha’s classic discourse called The Four Foundations of […]

Medicine Buddha & Teachings on Deep Healing, Auckland, NZ

Public Classes, Empowerment & Pith Teachings with Lama Mark WebberJune teaching in Auckland, NZ 2013 Friday June 14th -7:30 pm public classSaturday June 15th – 9:30 am to 12:00 pm public class (including coffee & tea)Sunday June 16th – 10:00 am: Empowerment of Medicine BuddhaSunday June 16th – 7:00 pm: Essential instructions on the practice […]

The 14th Annual Summer Retreat The MAHAMUDRA, Galiano Island, BC

Lama Mark has been requested to provide teachings on The Mahamudra and will give a detailed exposition on the text: “The Mahamudra Eliminating the Ignorance of Darkness by the 9th Kar-ma-pa Wang-chu’g Dor-je”. Mahamudra, the “Great Seal” is the complete realization of Penetrative Insight into the nature of Mind and phenomena and the unity of […]

Children and Dharma, Masham, Quebec

an evening of friendly open discussionsDo children need to meditate or learn to meditate? How do parents meditate and unfold to Awakeness and compassion in the midst of a busy home and work life? What exactly is Dharma? Why meditate? Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to talk openly about Dharma, children and unfolding, with Lama […]

Mindfulness is More than a Technique, Ottawa, ON

We are fortunate to have Lama Mark Webber give a weekend of teachings on the many facets of mindfulness taught in the Buddhist meditation tradition. Starting with recent discoveries in the neuropsychology of meditation he will highlight how both stress and attentive-loving-clear-mindfulness alters every aspect of our physiology; right through to the genetic level. Lama […]

The Vast Nature of Loving-kindness, Tyrol, Italy

Expanding the meditations of loving-kindness through space and light.In this ten-day retreat in the mountains of South Tyrol, Italy, Lama Mark will teach the fundamentals of Loving-kindness meditation and in addition, open up the vast scope of this essential practice through classic meditations of space and light. This retreat will be suitable for both beginner […]

Mindfulness is More than a Technique – Zurich (September 27-29, 2013) and Tour of CERN – Geneva (September 25th, 2013), Switzerland

We are pleased to announce that Lama Mark Webber will be leading a weekend of Dharma talks and instruction sessions on Buddhist meditation in Switzerland. Starting with recent discoveries in the neuropsychology of meditation he will highlight how both stress and attentive-loving-clear-mindfulness alters every aspect of our physiology; right through to the genetic level. Lama […]

Traveling to North-India with Lama Mark Webber

Lama Mark is extending an invitation to his students to join him on this journey to visit some precious Teachers in India. This is an invaluable opportunity to receive innumerable blessings and teachings. If you wish to join the Lama please note the following helpful suggestions in considering this Dharma trip: His primary purpose during […]

Mindfulness to Mahamudra, Vancouver, BC

We are pleased to announce that Lama Mark Webber will be giving teachings and a mini-retreat on the topic of Mahamudra. “Mahamudra has many equivalent names, such as,”Great Seal”, “Buddhanature”, “Totality” and “Great Symbol”—”the inseparability of awareness and emptiness”. It is the definitive penetrative insight into non-conceptual awareness of emptiness and compassion. We all have […]

The Initiation and Retreat into the Mandala of Twenty-one Taras, Galiano Island, BC

Meditations on the wombs of conditioning to meditations for entering the Womb of Freedom.Come join us in a retreat with Lama Mark Webber on the teachings of the Twenty-one Taras. Lama Mark will bestow the Empowerment of Twenty-one Taras, then each day he will give teachings on one of the meditational figures in the mandala. […]

Why Meditate ? Open Public Talk with Lama Mark Webber, Vancouver, BC

Looking for direction that is clear, effective and direct to the heart of the matter can be challenging and time consuming with all the options available in Vancouver. Lama Mark is an internationally celebrated mentor guiding people for over 35 years in matters that most deeply effect your emotional and spiritual well being. Come to […]

A Dharma, Diving and Natural History Course, Honduras

Course: Lama Mark will be giving daily classes in Dharma & meditation through the ‘eyes’ and practice of natural history. In addition he will give practical introductions to coral reef biology. Most mornings we will get together for a group dive or two and or snorkel. Then we break for lunch, later in the afternoon […]

Theme: No Compassion-no Awakening: from Mindfulness to the Mahamudra, Queenstown, NZ

Queenstown TeachingsMarch 14 to April 24, 2014 March 14, Friday, 7:30pm. ‘No Compassion—no Awakening: from Mindfulness to Mahamudra.’ Lama Mark gives an over-view teaching on the importance of discovering all encompassing Compassion. “To much emphasis on Emptiness, the nature of all things and beings, is straying from the full realization of freedom from suffering. So […]

What is stress, Auckland, N

how it happens, what it does, and how it will go away!Uncovering the Awake-Compassionate Mind of Freedom. April 26-27th -9.30am – 12.30pm, Saturday and Sunday (Public Teaching – All are welcome) Costs: $30 for both days plus dana for the teacher.Venue: Garnet Rd, Westmere. For details, expression of interest and bookings contact:Mira  or text/call […]

Auckland, New Zealand Retreat & Teachings

April 26-27th, 9:30am – 12:30 pm Saturday and Sunday:What is stress, how it happens, what it does, and how it will go away! Uncovering the Awake-Compassionate Mind of Freedom. Public Classes April 29-30th, Tuesday & Wednesday, 9:30am – 5:30 pm.:“Liberation of What? Therapy, Mindfulness, Healing and Liberation” (Workshop for Professionals) May 2nd to May 11th: […]

An evening of Dharma, feasting, and the auctioning of many treasures, Vancouver, BC

WHAT a sumptuous potluck meal, a Dharma teaching by Lama Mark, and a fundraising auction WHEN Friday May 30th Dinner at 6pm ; Dharma class and Auction at 7:30 pm WHERE At 4783 Collingwood Street, Vancouver (between Dunbar and Blenheim near to 32nd ave.) WHO Auctioneer Lama Mark Webber, Your hosts, Jane Mortifee & Cheryl […]

Crystal Mountain’s 15th Annual Summer Retreat on Galiano Island

Chenrezig: meditations and study to unfold great compassion and wisdom for all beings Lama Mark will be dedicating the 2014 Summer Retreat to the practice and study of Chenrezig (Skt. Avalokitesvara). Planned are the bestowing of at least three Empowerments of different forms and practices of Chenrezig. The first practice will be Thousand Armed Chenrezig […]

Sunday Morning Classes, Galiano Island, BC

August 10th & 17th, 2014 at 9am Lama Mark Webber will be continuing the Sunday morning classes on Galiano Island throughout the month of August.  This is a series of teachings on the stages of the Path of Liberation and the progress of Meditation. Classes conclude with a group meditation. These classes are open to […]

Naturally Being at Ease, Vancouver, BC

Instructions & teachings on the unity of loving-kindness and mindfulnessFriday August 22nd @ 730pmSaturday August 23rd @ 9am, 2 & 730pm@ Yoga on 7th, 156 7th Ave E, VancouverSupport for the Teacher is by Donation – Weekend Retreat Fee: $20Contact Nicolina at 778 834 8205 or

Toronto Teaching, ON

September 2nd & 3rd, 7:30-9:30 pmInstitute of Traditional Medicine553 Queen St. West, 2nd FloorDharma Centre of CanadaRetreat CenterSeptember 5th – 14thWe are delighted to announce that His Eminence,Lho Ontul Rinpoche has accepted the invitation of hisstudent Lama Mark Webber and the Dharma Centre ofCanada to teach in Canada in September 2014. He willbe accompanied by […]

A Six Month Retreat Under the Guidance of Lama Mark Webber

The retreat will begin Friday, September 5th, 2014 and end February 28th, 2015. There will be a three-month option, starting September 5th and ending December 5th 2014, but please note that priority goes to those who are undertaking the six-month retreat. Lama Mark will be in retreat from September until June 15th-2015. Guidance and direction […]

Dharma Teaching, Vienna

The Heart Sutra: Essentials of Buddhist Meditation and Compassion Lama Mark Webber will be teaching from the Heart Sutra during this urban retreat. The mini-retreat will be a great introduction to the Dharma and the art and heart of Buddhist meditation. The Heart Sutra is a short summary of a great classic teaching, studied and […]

The Heart Sutra, Toronto, ON

Teachings and meditations for uncovering the fully awake, compassionate and unobstructed mind we all have. Oct 21-22, 2015 – Toronto

Six Parami Teachings, Galiano Island, BC

Living  Fully and Compassionately A weekend retreat on the Six Parami with Lama Mark Webber December 11-13th, 2015 Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada Crystal Mountain Society is pleased to announce that Lama Mark Webber will be teaching a short retreat on Galiano Island this December. The subject for the mini-retreat is the Six Parami. “Traditionally the Parami are literally […]

White Tara Retreat, Villa Sumaya, Guatemala

White Tara: She who liberates upon Seeing, is a profound ancient meditative practice in Tibetan Buddhism. According to Tibetan Tales, White Tara and Green Tara were born from the two tears that Chenrezi she when he saw the suffering state of beings in the world. While White Tara is a central Yidam to the Karma’s […]

Teachings in Queenstown, New Zealand

This is the current program  for Lama Mark’s visit to Queenstown in 2016. Please note class times to be confirmed. Schedule is subject to change, Please email: for more information.  Course/retreat Topics for NZ 2016: 1. February 27 to 28, Saturday & Sunday evening: What is Buddhism, What is Dharma, What is meditation? A classical and modern perspective. […]

The Great Perfection: A Direct Path to Enlightenment, Wangapeka, NZ

April 1-6 & 7-12, 2016 Two adjoining mini-retreats at Wangapeka, Near Nelson, NZ. In these teachings Lama Mark will introduce an entire rich path for cutting directly through mental afflictions and bewilderment to reveal our true nature – the primordially pure, spontaneously compassionate and completely awake nature of Mind.  Known as the Great Perfection, or Dzogchen, this […]

The Heart Sutra, Nelson, NZ

The Heart Sutra: the Heart of DharmaEssentials of Buddhist Meditation & Compassion Weekend Urban Mini-RetreatNelson Buddhist Centre, Nelson, NZApril 15-17 This mini-retreat consisting of four classes (approx 2 hrs each) will serve as a great introduction to the Dharma and the art and heart of Buddhist meditation. The Heart Sutra is a short summary of […]

Intro To Tantra & 21 Tara Retreat, Coromandel, NZ

Introduction to TantraMini-Retreat, 22 – 27 April (5 Days) Empowerment and Practice of Twenty-one TarasFull Retreat, 22 April – 15 May (23 Days) Te Moata Retreat Centre, Coromandel, New Zealand This mini-retreat will provide an essential introduction to the science, study and meditations of Buddhist Tantra – the rich and deep practices of liberation developed […]

Karma, Causality and Finding our Lucid Awareness

The 16th Annual Crystal Mountain Summer Retreat: Taught by Lama Mark Webber. Week 1: Introduction. Transforming our habit patterns, one step at a time. Understanding and meditating on karma—a key that unlocks the door to Liberation. Week 2 to 4 (3 weeks): Further meditations, contemplations and teachings on the nature of karma (causation). A three-week […]

Standing Guru Rinpoche Empowerment

Namgyal Choling Gompa 455-2555 Cook road, Galiano island, British Colombia, Canada

To close out the 2016 Summer retreat on Karma, Lama Mark Webber will be bestowing the Standing Guru Rinpoche - Kalden Drenze - Empowerment.  It is open to all.   Friday July 29th, 2016, 7:30 pm The Gompa, Galiano Island (Lama Mark's Residence) Afterwards there will be a Ganachakra.  If you would like to bring food to […]

Understanding the Dharma, Habit Patterns, and the Clear Mind

With Lama Mark Webber An Invitation from Crystal Mountain Friday, Aug 5, Saturday, Aug 6, Sunday, Aug 7 Mornings: 9:30 - 11:30am Afternoons: 2:30-4:30pm (come to any class or attend all six) Classes by donation Beginners welcome Location: Meditation Tent, Crystal Mountain land Please enter at the end of Devina Drive For more information and […]

*Please Note DATE CHANGE* The Purpose of Meditation

Gisele & Ted's 1842 - E 2nd ave, East Vancouver, B.C., Canada

“Awareness & Pristine Awareness: distinguishing mind  from innate mind.” Introduction to Mahamudra and Dzogchen practice 3 Classes by Lama Mark Webber, Vancouver, August 13-14, 2016 Saturday 13th (two classes): 9:30am & 7:30 pm. Sunday 14th (one class): 9:30am We are pleased to have Lama Mark Webber giving a class on re-clarifying where we are heading in […]


for the upcoming 3 month retreat with the Venerable Lho Ontul Rinpoche and Lama Mark Webber Crystal Mountain - A Society for Eastern and Western Studies  announces an  AUCTION FUNDRAISER  for the upcoming 3 month retreat with the Venerable Lho Ontul Rinpoche and Lama Mark Webber This is a wonderful opportunity to gather together to […]

Looking Deeply into Karma and Causality: enhancing our meditations at all levels

Crystal Staff - Ottawa 36 Vanson Ave, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

2016 Teachings in Ottawa  Looking Deeply into Karma and Causality: enhancing our meditations at all levels  & Further Teachings on the Drikung Yangzab Dzogchen Extraordinary Foundation Practices  By Lama Mark Webber September 15 to 19, 2016 September 15 to 18th (5 classes): Looking Deeply into Karma and Causality: enhancing our meditations at all levels. Lama […]

Karma and Liberation: Unfolding wisdom and compassion

Octopus Garden Holistic Yoga Centre, Toronto. 967 College St,, Toronto,, Canada

A Class at the Octopus Garden Holistic Yoga Centre, Toronto. Date and time: September 23, 2016, 7:30 pm. Contact:  & 416 515 8885 We are pleased to have Lama Mark Webber give a class on clarifying the importance of understanding karma (causality) in Buddhist meditation practice, study and conduct. Lama Mark wrote: “One could […]

Teachings in Toronto, 2016

33 marion street toronto 33 Marion street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Mahamudra - View, Meditation and Conduct: recognition of innate pristine mind from mind, awareness and consciousness Teachings by Lama Mark Webber Location: 33 Marion St., Toronto, Dates and times: September 24 & 25 (weekend): 10:00 am & 3:00 pm September 26, 27, 28: 7:30 pm Contact: Tracy Sheridan, Classes will be mainly based on […]

Revealing our Natural Pristine Awareness

The Dharma Centre of Canada 1886 Galway Rd., Kinmount, Ontario, Canada

—A Meditation Retreat— with Lama Mark Webber at the Dharma Centre of Canada, Kinmount, Ontario Oct 8th through Oct 15, 2016, 7.5 days A meditation retreat focusing on instructions for entering, developing and revealing our natural pristine awareness through the path of Great Completion (Dzogchen) within the tradition of the Drikung Yangzab. Please also join Lama […]

Empowerment, Tsok and practice instructions of White Manjusri

The Dharma Centre of Canada 1886 Galway Rd., Kinmount, Ontario, Canada

Bestowed by Lama Mark Webber October 11, 2016, 9:30 am & 2:30 pm. Please join Lama Mark and members of the Dharma Centre Community in celebrating the memory of the Ven. Dorje Namgyal Rinpoche through the bestowal of the White Manjusri wongkur and instructions on its glorious practice. White Manjusri is a peaceful manifestation of […]

Lho Ontul Rinpoche’s 2016 Visit to Canada – Retreat & Teachings moved to India!

It is sad news, but unfortunately due to visa issues the Ven. Lho Ontul Rinpoche will not be visiting and teaching in Canada in 2016. He will try again in 2017 and we will make every attempt to accomplish this aim. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.   Please note some changes to […]

3 month Drikung Yangzab Dzogchen retreat to be opened by Lho Ontul Rinpoche

 at Namgyal Choling Gompa and Crystal Mountain Society, Galiano Island, B.C. Canada. with Lho Ontul Rinpoche, Lho Ratna Rinpoche & Lama Mark Webber It is with great joy that Crystal Mountain Society and Lama Mark Webber are very pleased to announce a three-month meditation retreat to be opened by Lho Ontul Rinpoche. It is a rare privilege […]

Toronto: Dharma & Community Meal

33 Marion St 33 Marion St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

***Lama Mark is returning from a month of receiving teachings, transmissions and empowerments in India*** Toronto Event: Please join us for an evening of Dharma and a community meal on November 29th. We will start eating at 5:45pm at 33 Marion St. For those wanting to order Barque ribs for supper: The class will begin at 7:30 […]

A Meditation Retreat with Lama Mark on Galiano Island, British Columbia

Lama Mark Webber will be in residence and retreat on Galiano Island at Namgyal Choling Gompa from December 6, 2016 to January 10, 2017. Due to the background of most of the participants he will be giving teachings and leading group meditations in the tradition of the Drikung Yangzab Dzogchen. There is no specified retreat […]

Dharma Teachings & Transmissions, Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver: 1555 MacDonald Ave, Burnaby, BC V5C 4N9 1555 MacDonald Ave, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

An Invitation from Crystal Mountain... Generating Relative and Absolute Bodhicitta & Sun and Moon Amulet Longevity and Deathlessness Practice from the Drikung Yangzab Lineage given by Lama Mark Webber Lama Mark Webber will be teaching on the essential topic of understanding and generating Bodhicitta: the enlightened mind that is the union of compassion and wisdom. He […]

2017 Teachings in Queenstown, New Zealand

Queenstown Dharma Centre 12 Lake Street, Queenstown, New Zealand

The modern Vipassana method and Abhidhamma - Saturday January 21 (2 classes) & Sunday 22nd (2 classes): 10am & 2pm      - Friday February 3 (evening class): 7pm       - Urban Retreat: Saturday Feb. 4 to Sunday Feb.12: Retreat schedule—morning class and interviews, afternoon and evening meditation sessions: 10am, 2pm & 7pm. […]

The modern Vipassana method and Abhidhamma

Queenstown Dharma Centre 12 Lake Street, Queenstown, New Zealand

Saturday January 21 (2 classes) & Sunday 22nd (2 classes): 10am & 2pm Friday February 3 (evening class): 7pm Urban Retreat: Saturday Feb. 4 to Sunday Feb.12: Retreat schedule—morning class and interviews, afternoon and evening meditation sessions: 10am, 2pm & 7pm. No evening sessions on February 7, 8 & 9th. The modern Vipassana method and […]

Commentary and meditations on Gampopa’s Jewel Ornament of Liberation

Queenstown Dharma Centre 12 Lake Street, Queenstown, New Zealand

From Buddha-nature, bodhicitta, Loving-kindness & compassion to tonglen Meditation - Evening classes: January 24, 25, 31: 7pm.  February 1, 7, 8 & 9: 7pm.   Chapters 1 to 7. Includes meditations and mind training: from Loving-kindness to Tonglen (giving and receiving of compassion). A combination of teachings and group meditation sessions.

Teachings, transmissions from the Drikung Yangzab Dzogchen lineage

Queenstown Dharma Centre 12 Lake Street, Queenstown, New Zealand

a) Amitāyus - Padmasambhava Longevity and deathlessness (Subduing the Lord of death through Splendour) — January 26th Evening: 7pm. b) Reading transmission and Guidance on the DrikungYangzab Preliminary Liberating Instructions— February 14 & 15th, evening sessions: 7pm. c) Longevity and deathlessness Practice of the Sun & Moon Amulet — January 31, morning session — reading […]

The Inbar guided meditation series (weekend retreat)

Queenstown Dharma Centre 12 Lake Street, Queenstown, New Zealand

Friday January 27: 7:00pm 2 hours Saturday January 28, 2 sessions, Sunday January 29, 2 sessions: 10am & 2pm A decade ago, Lama Mark developed and taught a series of awareness meditations that combine subtle awareness of breath- sensation to lay a strong foundation of attentiveness, loving-kindness and as a preparation for Tantric meditations, especially the […]

Empowerment & Tsok

Queenstown Dharma Centre 12 Lake Street, Queenstown, New Zealand

(community of practitioner’s feast) on February 19th evening—to be announced.

Looking Deeply into Karma and Causality, Westport, NZ

Buller REAP Hall 13 Henley St , Westport, New Zealand

Looking Deeply into Karma and Causality, enhancing our meditations at all levels Lama Mark writes: “Understanding karma—cause and effect and habit patterns—is a key teaching of Buddhism and is essential to all our study, reflection and meditations. Whether our meditations are in the style of modern Vipassana, practices of compassion or Tantric Deity Yoga, Mahamudra or […]

Taking Refuge & Generating Bodhicitta, Nelson, NZ

Nelson Buddhist Centre 87 Nile St (Opposite Central School), Nelson, New Zealand

Join us for an rich weekend of teachings from Lama Mark Webber on the essential topics of understanding taking Refuge and generating Bodhicitta: the outer, inner, secret and suchness aspects of the practices found with in the Nyingma-Dzogchen Preliminary Liberating Instructions. These teachings are open to all Buddhist practitioners. Times: Introductory session - Friday 24th […]

A Vajrasattva Retreat & Dzogchen Teachings

Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre 355 Wangapeka River Rd, RD2, Wakefield, New Zealand

A One-month Meditation Retreat with Lama Mark Webber February 28 - March 30, 2017 Wangapeka Retreat Centre, South Island, New Zealand Please note the accommodation units and huts at Wangapeka are now fully booked for this retreat.  Alternative accommodation in tents or off-site may still be possible.  If interested in these options, please inquire using the contact […]

Taking Refuge & Generating Bodhicitta, Christchurch, NZ

Christchurch Buddhist Centre 43 Harrow St, Phillipstown, Christchurch, New Zealand

Please join us for a rich weekend of teachings from Lama Mark Webber on the essential topics of understanding Taking Refuge and Generating Bodhicitta: the outer, inner, secret and suchness aspects of the practices found within the Nyingma-Dzogchen Preliminary Liberating Instructions. These teachings are open to all. When: Friday 7 April: 7:00 pm - 9pm […]

Dzogchen Teachings on Deathlessness, Auckland, NZ

Devonport Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand

Lama Mark will give two important transmissions and instruction for meditations to extend one’s life’s energies, health, remove obstacles and realise deathlessness (the unbroken continuum of mind’s pristine nature): 1) Empowerment for the long life and deathlessness practice, called: Subduing the Lord of Death Through Splendour in the Drikung Yangzab Dzogchen lineage. Reading transmission of the meditation […]

Tranquility and Dzogchen Retreat, Villa Sumaya, Guatemala

Villa Sumaya Santa Cruz la Laguna, Guatemala, Guatemala

Please join Lama Mark in 2017 for a two week exploration of Dzogchen. Held at Villa Samaya in the tropical region of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, surrounded by three volcanos, and open big sky and water views. Lama Mark will teach various forms of tranquility meditation to help beginners and experienced practitioners alike as a preparation […]

On Generating Bodhicitta in Toronto

33 Marion St 33 Marion St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

An Invitation from the Namgyal Yangzab Practice Community Dharma Teachings: On Generating Bodhicitta with Lama Mark Webber ~~~ June 7, 8, 9th, 2017 ~~~ “The objective of bodhicitta is the search for primordial wisdom.”* Join us for a rich 3 evenings of teachings from Lama Mark Webber on the essential topic and meditation of generating […]

Dzogchen View, Meditation & Conduct

Dharma Centre of Canada 1886 Galway Rd, Kinmount, ONTARIO, Canada

Teachings, Wongkurs, Meditations and Liberating Instructions 1) Teachings on View, Meditation and Conduct: The Three Statements of Garab Dorje & 2) A Chenresig Wongkur and reading transmission of the meditation & 3) Reading transmissions and teachings of the Yangzab Gonpo Dzogchen Common and Extraordinary Preliminary Liberating Instructions & 4) A reading transmission of Terton Rinchen […]

On Generating Bodhicitta

Crystal Staff - Ottawa 36 Vanson Ave, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

An Invitation from the Crystal Staff Community Dharma Teachings: On Generating Bodhicitta with Lama Mark Webber June 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 2017 Lama Mark Webber visiting Guru Rinpoche Caves in Tso Pema - Rewalsar, India “ The objective of bodhicitta is the search for primordial wisdom. ” *  Join us for a rich 4 days […]

Conquering Anxiety and Confusion Through Splendour

17th Annual Summer Retreat at Crystal Mountain Crystal Mountain is very pleased to announce that for the 17th year Lama Mark Webber will be teaching, leading meditation and guiding practitioners at the Crystal Mountain Summer Retreat. Schedule and Topics: Week 1: Buddhist meditations and teachings on loving-kindness and compassion. Week 2: a) Empowerment for the […]